Increase The Value Of Your Home

Our partnership with the top Solar teams means we bring you the best and most innovative solar solutions available. Our professional installers are experts in their field, ensuring your solar panel installation is flawless and efficient.

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Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to keep solar customers out of the dark and guide them towards a brighter future of saving. We are dedicated to providing renewable energy solutions that are efficient, reliable, and hassle-free.
At our core, we believe in the power of renewable energy and its ability to transform the way we consume electricity. With our no-nonsense approach, we aim to simplify the process of going solar for our customers. We understand that navigating the world of solar energy can be overwhelming, which is why we are here to guide you every step of the way.

What We Do

With us by your side, you’ll have a hassle-free experience from start to finish. We’ll walk you through the entire process, answering all your questions along the way. Whether it’s for your home or business, our goal is to make solar simple for everyone. Let’s power up together and make a positive impact on our planet! Ready to embrace clean, renewable energy? Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s take that first step towards a brighter future!

Watch Us In Action

Questions? We have answers!

Our goal is to not leave anyone in the dark when it comes to Solar.

Let us

do the


We are growing everyday. Check out our service areas.


Serving the Greater Central Valley, NorCal, & SoCal
Showrooms: Fresno & Rocklin


Serving the State of Idaho
Showroom: Boise

Why Choose Us?


With 20+ years of experience bringing technology into homes, old and new, we will ensure you get the most out of your products.


We do it custom for everyone and everything. After years of perfecting our practice, we are able to find solutions for any needs, no matter the environment.


With a focus on seamless integration and automation, we enhance efficiency, making your daily life simpler, more convenient, and energy-efficient.

Call or message us today!

Ready to elevate your home or business with Solar? Contact us now for a free consultation!
